A wonderful gluten free, sugar free, casein free (no milk product), nut free, easy, economic, no baking, delicious and healthy recipe!Basic recipe:
- 2 cups of dates
- 1 cup of gratted coconut (no sulfites)
Chocolate Wonders:
- 2 cups of dates
- 1 cup of gratted coconut (no sulfites)
- 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder
Nuts (optionnal):
- 2 cups of dates
- 1 cup of gratted coconut (no sulfites)
- 1 cup of unsalted roasted cashew
- 1 cup of blanched almonds (see instructions below)*
Place all the ingredients in the food processor and mix until it's finely chopped. You can work it with you hands and give it a fun shape (balls, squares, cookie cutter). Can be refrigerated for a firm texture or leave it at the room temperature for a soft texture.
There are infinity of variations to this basic recipe!
Ideas: pine nuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, unsalted pistachios, dried fruits, peacans, peanuts, walnuts, pieces of dark chocolate, etc.
*To remove the skin of the almonds: boil in water 30 seconds, rince in cold water and the skin will be easy to remove.